Mystery riddles for kids

Riddles are not only fun but they are also great for kids’ development. Here is a large collection of mystery riddles for kids. READ MORE NOW.
Mystery riddles for kids

Mystery riddles for kids

What did the tree say to the light bulb?”Hey!

What does the Invisible Man drink at snack time?

What is a ghost’s favorite fruit?

Why was Dracula put in jail?

What is a gas station’s favorite type of shoes?

Why was 6 afraid of 7?

What kind of place should you never take a dog?

What do you call a cow in an earthquake?

What is black and white and read all over?

Where do cows stay when they go on vacation?

Why did the millionaire refuse to move to Alaska?

What does a frog eat with his hamburger?

What is a snake’s favourite subject?

What has four legs, a tail, whiskers and cuts grass?

Which country is the slipperiest?

Why did the pencil cross the road first?

There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?

If you say it you break it. What is it?

What does an orange do when it takes a test?

Tall in the morning, short at noon, gone at night but I’ll be back soon. What am I?

Mystery riddles for kids

Why couldn’t the shipmates play cards?

What should you do when you see a green alien?

Why did the duck cross the road?

Why did the turkey cross the road?

Why did the baker go to jail?

Why did the crab cross the road?

I have 7 children half of them are boys, what is the other half?

Where do pirates like to eat?

What kind of flower lives between your mouth and your chin?

Why is a giraffe’s neck so long?

What do you get if you cross a cow and a duck?

What’s red and mushy and is found between sharks teeth?

What has 6 eyes but cannot see?

Why do Sharks only swim salt water?

Who does Frankenstein invite to his party?

What has a forest with no trees, lakes without water, roads with no cars and deserts with no sand?

What do ghosts wear on their feet?

What fish can help you build a house?

Mystery riddles for kids

Why don’t ducks tell jokes when they are flying?

What did the cannibal say after he ate a clown?

In what way can the letter A help a deaf lady?

What travels around the world but stays in one spot?

What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in one thousand years?

What has 4 eyes but can’t see?

If I have it, I don’t share it. If I share it, I don’t have it. What is it?

Take away my first letter, and I still sound the same. Take away my last letter, I still sound the same. Even take away my letter in the middle, I will still sound the same. I am a five letter word. What am I ?

What has hands but can not clap?

What can you catch but not throw?

What is at the end of a rainbow?

What is as light as a feather, but even the world’s strongest man couldn’t hold it for more than a minute?

You draw a line. Without touching it, how do you make the line longer?

What has one eye but cannot see?

A man leaves home and turns left three times, only to return home facing two men wearing masks. Who are those two men?

Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?

How many months have 28 days?

What goes up when rain comes down?

What is the longest word in the dictionary?

If I drink, I die. If i eat, I am fine. What am I?

What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?

Have a great time with mystery riddles for kids and don’t forget to share the laughter and mental stimulation with others!

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